Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Congress area & Bradshaw Mountains

Kelly and I went up to Congress, Arizona for the weekend. I'd seen the only two speckled rattlesnakes (Crotalus mitchelli) that I've ever seen up there, so I thought I'd give it a try and see if I could get some good photos before the year's out. We didn't find one, but did find some other cool stuff. Here's the trip:

Dozens of these Diamondbacks (Crotalus atrox). This one is a baby. The rest we just recorded our data and moved off the road.

One of a few mojave rattlesnakes from the trip. All were yearlings.

Found this young longnose snake with an interesting pattern (in my small bit of experience) for a snake this young. The photograph is terrible, as is the next one of a tiny night snake. Not sure what my problem was.

Last find of the night was an adult California Kingsnake.

The next day we went hiking a bit. We didn't see any herps other than a few whiptails and a skink that escaped my fingers. We did find a few cool mantids.

My first Black-necked Gartersnake.

More diamondbacks ...

I completely did not expect this Crotalus cerberus where we were at, but it was a nice find (my first). We had apparently wandered into their range. Slick.

On the way home we found a little pond full of THOUSANDS of hopping toadlets.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Wow, that's awesome!!!! Love the photos and the video.

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