I got a snake call on the 16th from the AHA and went to pick up a very aggressive diamondback. A big storm blew in just as I was leaving the house and I decided it would be better to return the next day for the release. I found a nice area about a half mile away with lots of cover. It was cloudy and the temperature was 88 degrees. I'm surprised I didn't see something else on-route to the release spot.
Kelly and I went out for a quick trip to the Superstition Mountains Saturday night, not expecting to see much due to the clear sky and weekend traffic. Surprisingly, the traffic wasn't bad at all, though things were still slow. We saw one snake once the temperature got down to reasonable Crotalus-loving levels. The one and only snake of the night was our first Crotalus tigris (Tiger rattlesnake).
I'd seen (smelled, rather) a dead C. tigris while hiking South Mountain with Floyd a few years back, not too long before I started treating field herping like a serious hobby. Of course I didn't consider it a 'first', since it was dead. Still, I've always wanted to see a live one.
Crotalus tigris has the most potent venom of any rattlesnake. The snake was very calm, though alert, through nearly all of the photography and handling (tongs). That lasted until I slid my camera through the gravel towards it on a time-delay to get a good macro shot. It didn't like the vibration and went apeshit. Good time to go home and watch a really stupid movie, or about 30 minutes of it anyway. We should have stayed in the mountains.
I've been down to the South East end of Arizona several times in the past two years in search of what I've gathered by reading posts by other herpers on the AHA and Fieldherp forums are some of the more sought-after snakes around town. The last three trips I've limited the search specifically to Crotalus lepidus klauberi, the banded rock rattlesnake (or green rock rattlesnake, depending on the date of the book you're reading, as informed by Jerry Feldner). The last two times were no good, though we did end up scouting out the areas in the process where I'd eventually find them. My girlfriend Kelly and I went to the Huachuca mountains and spent a few days searching, and eventually found three lepidus.
Early the next evening we found our first C. lepidus in habitat looking nowhere near what I had expected and searched earlier. I flipped out, hard.
... then we found another.
We found this unfortunate Crotalus willardi willardi (Ridgenosed Rattlesnake) that had just been hit by a car. It was still alive, though I am sure not for long with the many owls and skunks we saw that night. I could have taken some better photos of at least the front end of it, but my girlfriend reminded me that I should probably leave it alone and let it die without some douchebag with a camera right in it's face. I agreed and we left disappointed to not have come across it minutes before. Crotalus willardi is arguably the most highly prized herp find in our state, if not the country. Field herpers come to monsoon-season SE Arizona from all over the country each year with willardi on their wish-list. I can't accurately convey how sad it is to see something for the first time that you've seen so often in books and posts by respected field herpers in real life for the first time, and watch it die. I am sure I will have plenty of experiences with willardi in the future, but the first is the one you'll always remember.
Awhile later we found a Chihuahuan Hook-nosed Snake (Gyalopion canum), my second of the year. This snake is one of two (the other being the Sonoran Coral Snake) that defend themselves by means of "cloacal popping" ... otherwise known as farting. Here are a few pictures and a video where you can hear these terrifying farts.
That was it for the night. In the morning, on the way home, I wanted to try some hiking in the area where we'd seen the lepidus the night before. They are primarily active in the daytime, so two in a night hints at some high activity in some previously unconsidered habitat, driven by many times on multiple trips.
Here's some habitat shots Kelly took. One has a fat animal of some sort ruining the shot.
After hiking for awhile through the grassland below the mountain, it took only a few minutes of searching on the first pile of rocks we saw to turn up this extremely green adult lepidus and a few Yarrow's Spiny Lizards (Sceloporus jarrovi). It was a good end to the trip.